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Natural Latex and Nitrile Butadiene

Natural Latex: Through the process of agricultural production, purified the latex of rubber trees, offered unparalleled elasticity and comfort but may pose concerns for those with latex allergies
Nitrile Butadiene: “Synthetic rubber latex” is the raw material derived from petroleum, it is a synthetic rubber copolymer of acrylonitrile (ACN) and butadiene.

Some concerns about the problems causing by using finger cots.

At Suzuki Latex, we recognize and address the specific concerns that our customers prioritize.

+ Powder: one common issue is the presence of powder in traditional finger cots. To minimize this, we proudly offer a range of Powder-Free Finger Cots, ensuring a clean and residue-free experience.
+ ESD: For industries sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD) or electronic components, our Anti-Static Finger Cots are engineered to dissipate static, providing an extra layer of protection against potential damage during handling.
+ Metal Corrosion: Regarding concerns about sulfur triggering metal corrosion are valid, we've taken steps to offer Sulfur-Free Finger Cots. Our commitment to quality extends to materials that not only protect but also ensure compatibility with sensitive applications. In environments where chlorine-induced corrosion is a worry, our Chlorine-Free Finger Cots provide the needed protection without the risk of corrosion.

We understand that each industry has unique requirements, and our diverse product line aims to cater to those needs. Choose Suzuki Latex for finger cots that not only address common concerns but set a new standard for performance and user satisfaction.

Could Suzuki Latex Finger Cots be used in clean room?

Our EDEL are powder free, sulfur free, Chlorinated free during the process of production and packaged in Cleanroom. Please contact us to get samples and details.

Where can Suzuki Latex finger cots be bought?

For the sake of supplying the best products and services, we are currently have a nationwide distributors from South to North.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.